It’s a quick way to access your cash on the go.
There are a lot of different types of wallet on the market. I should know, I buy new wallets pretty often and love to explore the newest features. That includes the new materials they use in wallet construction as well as all the different styles.
There’s a type of wallet for practically every situation, from mountain climbing to boardroom meetings and everything in between.
One type of wallet, in particular, that’s well-liked among men (and some women too) is a money clip wallet. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at money clip wallets, what makes them so useful, plus the pros and cons they offer.
When you’re done you’ll know everything you need to purchase your own. Enjoy!
Why Not Just Use a Money Clip?
If you’ve ever used or seen a money clip you know it’s a convenient and simple way to carry a couple of credit cards, your driver’s license, and some cash. Money clips are usually made of metal and range in styles from simple to ornate and beautifully decorated.
The best thing about money clips is that they’re very small and thin. Unlike a wallet (even a thin wallet) they take up much less room in your pocket and can be tucked into even the smallest pockets with no problem. That makes them easier to hide, easier to take out of your pocket quickly, and less of a target for pickpockets.
The drawback money clips have, however, is that they only hold a couple of credit cards and a small amount of cash. If you carry around a large variety of credit cards and like to carry a good bit of cash too, a money clip isn’t going to cut it.
Also, if you like carrying around pictures of your family, a few business cards and you hold on to receipts, a money clip is even worse. That’s exactly why the money clip wallet was invented.
So What’s a Money Clip Wallet?
A money clip wallet combines the best features of a money clip and a wallet in a perfect package. The wallet, as typical wallets do, can hold a lot of credit cards, your driver’s license, business cards, and family photographs too.
It will usually have at least one sleeve with a transparent cover for your driver’s license, so you don’t have to pull it out when, say, you go to the store to buy some beer.
On the outside of a money clip wallet is the money clip, which is integrated into the wallet and usually made of metal like a typical money clip. It holds your cash and, if you like, the credit card you use most.
It’s the best of both worlds, allowing you to hold all of your cards and other wallet-type stuff as well as quickly access your cash quickly when you need it.
No more digging around for half an hour trying to grab your most used credit card or a few bucks. Plus, no more problems with where to hold all of those cards, licenses, business cards, and receipts.
How To Use a Money Clip Wallet
1- The Basic Stuff
Using a money clip wallet isn’t difficult, by any stretch of the imagination, but it does help to know the basics first. A money clip has two parts, the wallet, and the money clip.
The clip has two sides, one that is sewn into or otherwise attached to the wallet, and the other that is outside the wallet (the prong) and visible so that you can use it to clip your cash or card(s).
2- Organizing your Cash
The nice thing about a money clip wallet is that it gives you quick access to your cash. Folding that cash correctly makes it even easier to get the specific bills you want.
To do this, make an organized stack of bills with the smallest denomination on the bottom and the larger denominations on top. Then, fold the stack in half with the smaller bills on the outside and the larger bills on the inside. Next, simply slide the folded stack of bills (with the fold side in) into the clip.
Stacking your pills this way will make it easier for you to pull out the smaller bills you would typically use to purchase stuff, like a double frappe mocha whatchamacallit at your local java joint or a snack at the gas station.
It also protects your larger bills on the inside from both being seen and accidentally getting lost.
3- What About Your Card(s)
Even though you have a money clip wallet that can hold your cards inside, if you want to keep the most used credit card on the outside, you can. My best suggestion is to put it on the inside of your folded stack of bills.
It will be safer there from being accidentally dropped when you grab some cash. Of course, it’s your wallet so you can do what you want! If that means putting your credit card on the outside, go for it!
4- Choose the Correct Pocket
Most guys, including me until a few years ago, stick their wallet in their back pocket. The problem with your back pocket, though, is that it’s easier for pickpockets to steal it, and, according to a chiropractor friend of mine, it’s really bad for your back.
(He says that it throws your hips out of balance and can, over the years, create low back problems.) That goes for money clip wallets as well and so I suggest you put yours in one of your front pockets or, if you’re wearing a jacket, in your jacket pocket.
4- Switching from a Regular Wallet to a Money Clip Wallet
Switching from a regular wallet to a money clip wallet is pretty simple. Just take all your credit cards, your license, and anything else that you keep in there and put it into your new money clip wallet.
Everything except the cash, of course, which you can fold like I described above and place into the money clip. Done!
Are There RFID Money Clip Wallets?
You bet your booty there are! Just like regular wallets, there’s a wide variety of RFID blocking money clip wallets on the market. If keeping scammers and hackers from skimming your credit cards is important to you, get yourself an RFID money clip wallet and you’ll be good to go!
I hope you enjoyed this article and it gave you the answers you were looking for about money clip wallets. If you have more questions or need advice, let me know in the space below, and best of luck finding your new money clip wallet!